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Die Microsoft EU-Datengrenze: Weil es natürlich total beruhigend ist, wenn unsere Daten jetzt nicht mehr die EU verlassen — sie werden einfach innerhalb der EU verarbeitet, überwacht und analysiert. Ein echter Meilenstein… für's Marketing. Dem Cloud Act und anderen US-Überwachungsbestimmungen ist es schlichtweg egal, wo die Daten letztendlich liegen.

www.kuketz-blog.deJenseits der Grenzen: Überblick über das US-GeheimdienstrechtUS-Behörden haben zum Teil exzessive Zugriffsmöglichkeiten auf Daten bzw. Informationen, die sogar Grundrechte europäischer Bürger aushebeln können. Ein kurzer Überblick…

Nochmal public zum Thema #Atomkraft:
M.E. wollen die Christenparteien gar nicht ernsthaft zurück zu #AKWs. Sondern…

1. bei Menschen Ü55 #Nostalgie erzeugen (+Stimmen abgreifen) durch Anknüpfen an die Atompropaganda aus der Guten Alten Zeit prä-Tschernobyl

2. eine Ausrede für ihren #Unwillen zum Klimaschutz haben ("wir würden ja gerne, aber ohne Atom… tja")

3. sich maximal weit von der bösen linksgrünen Merkel-CDU absetzen.

Also. Nicht aufregen, nicht diskutieren. Ist alles nur #bullshit

Replied to bm

thread 14/

👆 That was irony, by the way.

Evopsych (a.k.a 'Darwinian psychology,' 'human sociobiology' and 'A Story of Science-Telling') presents itself as something you can't just casually unpick or disregard, like swiping past a video on social media you almost certainly know is full of #bullshit. It's a bundle of hypotheses about human cognition and behaviour that you can tell to your friends, family, and passersby on the street, and find them nodding in vague agreement. It sounds… truthy.

Replied to Adam Dalliance

I looked at Librewolf and it seemed like it'd be perfect. Was still able to send tabs around from machine to machine and sync bookmarks and stuff, which is the thing I suspected wouldn't work. All worked okay, was just firefox without the bullshit they do these days.

Until it just threw javascript errors on my TTRSS install and I couldn't read my newsreader.

Only on my desktop machine mind, it was fine on the laptop.

Maybe I should try harder. Perhaps it was just a fleeting thing that would be fixed next version.

Replied to Flüpke

LinkedIn, Cyber Cyber Bullshit

LinkedIn ist ja so schon schlimmer als das Heise Forum, aber der #Bullshit, der da von dieser Potsdamer Sicherheitskonferenz beim HPI Richtung Internet abgesondert wird, ist geradezu bizarr.

@Kayla @JetForMe
It's #Bullshit to assert that RATs are a “*great* way to keep others safe”.
They're clearly not, especially how most people evidently use them.

A *great* way to keep others safe is to #WearAMask.
A good way is to be #vaccinatedandboosted.
(An infallible way is to not be in the same place as others.)

What is the benefit of a diagnostic that probably has about a 2/3 chance of yielding a false negative on days when infectiousness is close to highest?

X (formerly Twitter)Stef Christensen (@Wikisteff) on X@LauraMiers Update: after much, much pushback on this chart (and a lot of retweets), I looked much more carefully and with updated data at what we know about COVID's infectiousness, and at RAT's sensitivity curves. Here's my revised version of that chart:

‘… some people are testing at Day 1 and Day 2 and saying, 'Oh, it's negative, I don't have COVID,'" Hudson said. "If they probably tested themselves a couple of days later, there's a pretty good chance that it actually would turn out to be COVID."’

Just what I’ve been saying for months.

Asserting that RATs are a *great* way to keep others safe is #Bullshit.


apple.newsWith COVID on the rise, your at-home test may be taking longer to show a positive result — Los Angeles TimesThe delay in accurate test results is probably a result of people having accumulated immunity from COVID-19 over the years, whether from vaccinations or previous infections.

Fresh #introduction for 2024: The Year It All Comes Crashing Down!

I'm Sean - a formerly prolific rock #musician, current #foss engineer, full-time #audioEngineer at a busy roadhouse #theatre and #covid19 #longHauler, almost 2yrs with #pem, #pots, and an host of other goodies. #wearAMask #saveALife

I like working on projects that enable marginalised persons to take back their autonomy on and offline. I subscribe to #diy and am a voracious #autodidact. I make #bots for #mastodon and the #fedi. I'm building a replacement for #bandcamp and #spotify.

I care about all #humans and #animals on this planet, an am strongly aligned against their destruction via a #socialist #anarchist education. I'm against all #fascists, and call #bullshit where I see it, and I see every #microexpression. I'm pretty #autistic.

I #protest for #humanRights, #disabilityRights, #lgbtqRights, against #climateDestruction, #corporateGreed and for a #ceasefireNow in #palestine.

I educate myself on the world around me - with help from y'all - and I do my best to educate and #lift those around me.

I'm friendly, weird, and irreverent. Feel free to follow, boost and interact. This is a social media!