Working on a #micropython project that uses a small display?
Disappointed by a lack of #fonts for them?
A hundred fonts in various flavors and sizes, plus a small and simple to use font writer to go with them.
@trevorflowers any possible use in your miniatures?
@mcdanlj Oooh, la! Yes, indeed. Thank you for the tip.
@easytarget ooooh this could be v useful, thank you.
@andypiper , @trevorflowers , @mcdanlj
Thank you, I made this since I have several 'gather data + display it' projects ongoing, this came out of them. Have fun!
(Ps, currently working on a 'marquee' class that uses this class to generate , crop and blit a scrolling message box.)
@easytarget @andypiper @mcdanlj Thank you for sharing your work! It will be handy in future miniature retrocomputers.