Watch out, I'm a hardware designer now! My first board is here and it works!
Super happy with the "ambient light" effect:) There's one LED shining at the back into the hand, and another behind the screen, giving the impression of light passing through the PCB. Quite mesmerizing.
I still need to put side LEDs on (one for each of the touch pads), but those tiny SK6812-4020 turned out to be way beyond my amazing soldering skills
@dos what's this for?
@dx Cheap and very easy to DIY way to play Petal Hero without a flow3r. Also, a way for me to learn using KiCad to produce rather than just consume
Some soldering iron practice and a bit of melted plastic later, I've got a side LED soldered - and it works!
...but only on second try, after making it face the wrong way and with some bodge wires applied. Well, you can't get *everything* right in the layout of your first prototype, can you?
#kicad #micropython #esp32 #fretsonfire #electronics